Major Sorcery, Minor Sorcery, Minor Berserk, Major Berserk, Minor Force and Major Force will all increase the damage dealt with this Skill.Shattering Rocks - When the effect ends nearby enemies take damage and have a chance to be set off balance. Glyphs that increase Magicka or Spell Damage will increase the damage of this Skill This Skill can be morphed into two different versions: Fossilize-Immobilizes the enemy after the disorient ends.Any Sets that increases Magicka, Spell Damage will increase the damage of this Skill.Fighting Finesse - Increase Critical DamageĮquipment Sets That Affect Molten Weapons.Bastion - Increases Damage against Damage Shields.Molten Armaments - You also gain Empower, and reduces the cost as the ability ranks up.Ĭhampion Points That Affect Molten Weapons Igneous Weapons - Increases the duration and increases the radius. This Skill can be morphed into two different versions: Skills can be reset at Rededication Shrines found in the capital cities of each ESO faction, for a tidy sum of gold. It can be unlocked by gaining experience while having a Skill from that Line on your active Skill Bar.

Molten Weapons is a Skill in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), this skill can be found and is a part of the Earthen Heart Skill Line. Damage listed in the infobox is base damage of a CP 160 with zero CP spent, zero Attribute Points used and zero Skills taken at Rank IV.Charge you and your allies' weapons with volcanic power to gain Major Sorcery and Major Brutality, increasing your Weapon and Spell Damage by 20% for 30 seconds.Petrify Rank IV: 4050 Magicka: Instant (2.5s) 7. After the duration ends, the sunlight bursts, dealing 1285 Magic Damage, which increases based on the amount of damage you dealt. When the stun ends, they take 1199 Flame Damage and you are healed for 2323. Summon an expanding beam of pure sunlight to doom an enemy, dealing 1161 Magic Damage immediately and marking them for 6 seconds. Major Sorcery, Minor Sorcery, Minor Berserk, Major Berserk, Minor Force and Major Force will all increase the damage dealt with this Skill Petrify Rank IV: 4050 Magicka: Instant (2.5s) 7 meters: Shattering Rocks (Morph) Encase an enemy in stone, stunning them for 2.5 seconds.